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The mission of the Saudi Ministry of Justice includes protecting rights and consolidating justice and judicial values among litigants by upgrading the judiciary's performance, efficiency and services. It also works to organize and supervise court affairs administratively and financially; and provide courts and notarial offices with needed equipment and well-qualified human resources to streamline and expedite work.



Achieving swift justice, ensuring real estate security, and providing superior notarial services.



Ensuring an excellent justice environment based on Islamic law, for providing, organizing, developing judicial and notarial services, and disseminating legal culture through an efficient institutional structure, well-qualified staff, and effective local and international partnerships, using advanced tools



1. Equity and justice

2. Commitment and transparency

3. Integrity and credibility

4. Engagement and contribution




1. The Ministry of Justice shall assume administrative and financial supervision over courts and notarial offices.

2. The Ministry shall submit proposals and initiatives capable of befittingly improving the justice system.

3. A research center shall be established at the Ministry of Justice, consisting of a sufficient number of specialists; the qualification of each shall be at least a university degree. This center shall publish selected judgments with the approval of the Supreme Judicial Council.


Strategic Objectives

In its NTP 2023 / 2024 journey, the Ministry of Justice has worked to achieve the strategic objective of promoting the values of justice and transparency.


Pillar Description
Improving the quality of judicial services Upgrading services, increasing operational efficiency and enhancing access by providing communication channels, tech solutions and judicial service centers; as well as achieving reliability, speed and accuracy to improve client experience, raise client satisfaction and realize the values of justice
Achieving swift justice Increasing the efficiency of implementing legal frameworks and the quality of procedures of judicial hearing and rulings; institutionalizing justice in the Kingdom by expanding the implementation of "preventive justice" to ensure the success of justice and enforcement; and reflecting commitment to international standards to ensure justice values and transparency and the implementation of disclosure mechanisms


 Strategic Objectives

In its NTP 2023 / 2024 journey, the Ministry of Justice has worked to achieve the strategic objective of promoting the values of justice and transparency.


Promoting the values of justice and transparency in litigation, dispute settlement and judicial services; increasing the efficiency of implementing legal frameworks; institutionalizing justice by expanding the implementation of "preventive justice" to ensure the success of justice and enforcement, and realize the purposes of Islamic law ordaining swift justice, equity and disclosure in transactions


Number of indicators of objective 4
Aspirations 2030

Promoting the values of justice and transparency, upgrading the judicial environment and supporting the judicial process to achieve swift justice and provide superior innovative services that meet client expectations and build trust in the level of justice and transparency


Number of pillars 2

·        Commitment to the values of justice in litigation procedures and dispute resolution

·        Commitment to the values of transparency in litigation procedures and dispute resolution

·        Activating the role of preventive justice to protect the rights of individuals and entities

·        Enhancing the reliability and accessibility of public services

·        Upgrading public services and improving client experience


Number of pillar indicators 2


Last Modified : 5 Sep 2024

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