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Women’s Empowerment

Gender equality and women’s empowerment

Sustainable development requires observing the principles of dignity and equality. The requirements for a sustainable egalitarian society include combating poverty, providing universal healthcare, food, good education, and gender equality.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has emphasized women’s role in development by improving and activating their capacities at the local and international levels as an important element of society. The Saudi government has designated a strategic goal in Vision 2030 to increase women's participation in the labor market and ensure their rights in healthcare and education in line with the fifth goal of sustainable development.

MoJ efforts to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment

1. Conciliation service

The Ministry of Justice has enabled women to register as conciliators at the “Conciliation Center,” which allows them to mediate in several disputes between two parties. The procedures are fully automated, including filing for conciliation, closing the process with amicable settlement if possible, and managing and certifying conciliation records remotely.
Applicants for the conciliator position can choose from several available fields, including family, financial, maintenance and child custody, criminal, traffic, real estate, and intellectual property.

For the service Click here 

2. Women’s empowerment in law practice

The Ministry of Justice has increased the number of Saudi female lawyers and enabled them to participate in judicial work and the legal profession by granting them more law practice licenses and specialized training. The ministry also provides relevant e-services through the Najiz portal, including applying for law practice license, renewal of law practice license, updating lawyer’s information, trainee lawyer services, and practicing lawyers inquiries.

For the service Click here 

3. Applying for private notary license

This service enables Saudi women to apply for a private notary license. After providing the information and meeting the requirements, the applicant visits the nearest notarial office for verification and fingerprinting.
Private notaries are empowered to issue powers of attorney and certify and revoke corporate charters through private-sector offices. These offices work seven days a week using an integrated digital process.

For the servicClick here 

E-Participation Summary and Outcomes :

The Ministry of Justice has initiated a co-innovation initiative to solicit public feedback on potential improvements to the journey of individuals entitled to maintenance support within the Alimony Fund system. Consequently, the Alimony Fund experience has been enhanced by incorporating emerging technologies for optical recognition of paper documents, introducing smart assistance, and integrating with the Najiz platform to streamline processes and reduce waiting times. ​​​
Last Modified : 24 Dec 2024

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